Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sex and Spanking

There is some etiquette for spanking during sex. The main thing to remember is pain and not to hurt your partner. One cheek at a time. Here are some tips.

how to spank her
Don't wind up like a maniac just yet; there is an actual etiquette to spanking women:

Warm up
Obviously, I don't mean that you should jog around the block; rather, rub your hands together to ensure that they're warm when they connect with her skin.

Choose the hand
Although right-handed people tend to use their right hands, you can opt to use whichever hand you're more comfortable with -- or even both, just not at the same time.

One cheek at a time
Just to reiterate; never smack both cheeks at the same time; not only will you not be able to do your spanking adequately, you may end up hurting her, in a bad way.

Position yourself
Place yourself in a position where you're able to maneuver freely and accurately. The last thing you want to do is smack her on her back or thigh.

Keep your hand tight
By keeping your hand solid and slightly cupping your hand, you ensure a nice sound, a slight sting and a whole lot of pleasure.

Smack it up
Remember that you're aiming for the meatiest part of her butt, which is the middle. After you actually slap her cheek, rub the area with your hand for a moment before you attempt to have another go at it.

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